Welcome to the Genetic Intelligence Brief

The GI Brief is designed to be concise, to the point, and devoid of technical jargon as much as possible. Let's jump in.

Why we're establishing a blog (beside the cool name)

We often get many questions about what we do. Those questions range from experts wanting to find out more about our scientific approach to lay people wanting to learn more about genetics and gene therapy.

We have found that everyone is interested in genetics and precision medicine. It is after all our very essence and humans have aways wanted to learn more about who they are and how to be our best. With Artificial Intelligence, computational resources and genetic sequencing technologies reaching highs never before seen, the times couldn't be more opportune for plucking answers.

What you will find here

Most of the time, you will find writing that is concise and use non-expert language so as to make the information accessible to all. This writing will encapsulate our perspective on a number of relevant genetic, technological, drug discovery, and human topics. You will also find in this space relevant updates about Genetic Intelligence such as general news or our latest breakthroughs.